Thursday, February 14, 2008

What Or Who Move The First Second?

Thursday, February 07, 2008
Pulau Gadong, Malacca

Written By Benjamin Alexander

Second is the smallest unit of time measurement. If we arrange it by ascending from the smallest to the largest, the sequence should be second, minute, hour, day, week, year, decade, century, millennium (?), so on and so ford.

When human being creates the clock, it indicates that the time is moving forward (based on the current technology). And the time moving as fast as light (found by Albert Einstein).

Well, in these universal that we live and we able to see. Every things (yes I mean every thing including you) can be move or moving by it own are drive by others “force” or I simply call it the “X Factor”. The earth moving and circle around the sun with it own orbit, because the earth lead by the sun gravity. The vehicle on the road which driven by human being but fuel by the energy that produce by the engine. Even you can move your hand because your mind does control your muscle to do so, and the “X Factor” provides the energy to your brain so that you can think and control your muscle.

So you may ask what is the “X Factor” that provides all the energy to support the energy of the whole universal? The scientist say it was come from the “Big Bang”, the “Big Bang” starts the whole universal. And the energy release by the “Big Bang” are not infinite, but limit to N amount of energy. I am not to argue with you about the “Big Bang”, but we need to have a platform of common sense that they are “X Factor” which starts the beginning of every thing. So we do believe/assume there are a “Big Bang” and the energy of it.

Now the crucial question is what happened before “Big Bang”? “There is another ‘Big Bang’!” Some people may argue! Well, a “Big Bang” before a “Big Bang” and before this there is a “Big Bang”! Nice answer, but an idiot will nod his head. I am going to ask further. . .

The N amount of energy creates the “Big Bang” or the “Big Bang” creates the N amount of energy? What material that allows the energy is able to move around? The Vacuum, bingo you are right but not totally, the vacuum is a space that allow the energy to move around, vacuum is empty but itself is a material or simple a platform.

Then, how come a vacuum exist with “space” inside? Let me tell you, the vacuum exist because the “time” is moving, we have no idea whether time move in one direction, two directions or multiple directions. But when the time is moving, it creates “space” even there is nothing inside or vacuum, and the vacuum allows the energy to move in the space.

Time is the spark of the universal existence. Who move the time? We assume the “X Factor” move time. The “X Factor” move the first second, when the time is moving, it creates the universal as we know today.

What is the “X factor”? I want to confess, the Almighty God is the “X Factor”. God simply move the time and create the whole universal. We can find the true from the bible. When Adam asks God “Who are You?”, “I am Who I am.” God Answered. What an accurate answer from the wisdom of God. God is eternity. He can stop or move the time. He is a creator who even creates time for us.

Thanks be to God! Now I get the wisdom.

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