Friday, March 21, 2008

Genesis: The Trilogy

Friday, February 22, 2008
Puchong Prima, Selangor

Written By Marcus Tumnus

For thousand years, human being keeps asking a question “where are we come from?”
There are thousand of theories out there, but I only list three over here which each others content is so similar.

The first similarity of these approaches is the existing of the universal have a starting point vise versa to others which assume the universal neither start nor end.

Theology : YAHWEH

Long long time ago, the universal was nothing but only dust. A creator named Yahweh walk around in the dust.

Yahweh said “let separate the dark from the light”, thus the light and dark separated. Yahweh call the light as day and the dark as night, this is the first day.

Yahweh said “the light should rise and water should gather together.” So Yahweh creates sky and there is water. This is second day.

The third day, Yahweh said “there shall be the land.” Thus the land separate and emerge from water. And Yahweh creates all kind of plantations on the land.

Yahweh said “There shall be light in the day and night.” So Yahweh creates sun for the day and the moon and stars to shinning the night. This is the fourth day.

On the fifth day, Yahweh said “there shall be the living on the land, under the sea and in the sky.” Thus, the land full with all kind of animals and insect, the sea full with all kind of fish and the sky full with flying creatures.

On the sixth day, Yahweh said “there shall be human to rule this world.” Thus Yahweh creates human being according to His image, named Adam. When Adam slept, Yahweh take a rib from Adam, and create a company for him name Eve.

On the seventh day, Yahweh rest.


Long time ago, the whole universal was a chaos, like an egg.

In the middle of the “egg”, Pengku (describe like human) breed inside. After 18,000 years, suddenly a mega bang and the “egg” cracked. The heavy chaos was descended and became the land. Light and clean material was ascended became sky.

The chaos separated by Pengku, he support the sky by hands and step on the ground by feet.

The sky goes up about one meter each day and the land deeper one meter each day too. The body of Pengku increases one meter a day.

Another 18,000 years passed. The body of Pengku reach 90,000 kilometer high, like a giant pillar standing between the sky and the ground, causing the sky and the land unable to join again, and never a chaos neither.

Pengku was too tired and consume by death.

Before he died, there are something happened. The voice of Pengku became the thunder from the sky. His breath became cloud and win. His left eye became the sun and right eye became the moon. His torso and limbs became the continents and mountains. His blood became the rivers, lakes, and sea. His veins and fresh became roads and land. His hair and moustache became the stars in the sky and the skin and body feather became the flowers and the trees. His teeth and bones became metal, rocks and gems. His sweat became the rain and dew. The parasites on his body breed by sun light, rain and dew, transformed into all kind of living creatures.

After Pengku was death. The world had been gave her lives without the existing of human race.

A god called Nuvo (descript as a woman with human upper body and a snake lower body part) willing to creates a new living. Thus, she grabs the soil (yellow) from the ground, knead it according to her image that appear from the water surface. Once she put the dummy on the land, they became live and jumping around. Nuvo named them as Human. So Nuvo keep knead the yellow soil and create plenty of men and women.

Nuvo also make the man and woman fertile, give birth the human descendants.

For an unknown reason, a big portion of the sky collapsed and the field full with big gap. The jungle was burn by the flame and the cataract all over the land.

Nuvo saw her human children suffer under the mega disaster. She took the five colors stones from the river, melt it and paste the sky. Nuvo also killed a giant tortoise, chopped down it limbs and placed it at the different area, support the sky.

Nuvo save the human race and leave human peace.


In 1929, Edwin Hubble found that our galaxy was rapidly away from us from which direction you look. It means the universe is constantly expanding.

In fact, 100 to 200 million years ago, they are just together. The Hubble discovery of a time called Big Bang, the universe was infinite close.

Around 1950, Gamofu established the concept of Big Bang. He said “The creation of the universe’s big bang is not prescriptive found on Earth in a fixed point, and then to the surrounding air to spread the kind of explosion, but a simultaneous everywhere, from the opening when the entire space filled with kind of explosion, the blast left a particle each other particle crash.

From 1948 Gamofu established the concept of Big Bang, and here is the universe story:

At the beginning of the Big Bang:
150 to 200 millions years ago, very small volume, high density and high temperature.

0.01 second after the Big Bang:
100 billion, the photon, electron, the system has experience a rapid expansion, temperature and density is declining.

One second after the Big Bang:
10 billion, out of neutrinos escape, in response to the electron-positron annihilation, nuclear power was less than shackles of neutrons and protons.

35 minutes after the Big Bang:
300 million, to stop the nuclear process, not yet formed neutral atoms.

30 years after the Big Bang:
3000, the chemical combination of the neutral atom, the universe composed mainly of gaseous substances, and gradually under the gravitational cohesion into higher density gas, until the stars and the star system.

The concept of Big Bang was strongly confirmed when the 3K cosmic microwave was found.

* * *

What we saw from the above trilogies? The foundation of the universe was not eternal.

It started and it had an end in the future. When? Sorry, I don’t know.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

What Or Who Move The First Second?

Thursday, February 07, 2008
Pulau Gadong, Malacca

Written By Benjamin Alexander

Second is the smallest unit of time measurement. If we arrange it by ascending from the smallest to the largest, the sequence should be second, minute, hour, day, week, year, decade, century, millennium (?), so on and so ford.

When human being creates the clock, it indicates that the time is moving forward (based on the current technology). And the time moving as fast as light (found by Albert Einstein).

Well, in these universal that we live and we able to see. Every things (yes I mean every thing including you) can be move or moving by it own are drive by others “force” or I simply call it the “X Factor”. The earth moving and circle around the sun with it own orbit, because the earth lead by the sun gravity. The vehicle on the road which driven by human being but fuel by the energy that produce by the engine. Even you can move your hand because your mind does control your muscle to do so, and the “X Factor” provides the energy to your brain so that you can think and control your muscle.

So you may ask what is the “X Factor” that provides all the energy to support the energy of the whole universal? The scientist say it was come from the “Big Bang”, the “Big Bang” starts the whole universal. And the energy release by the “Big Bang” are not infinite, but limit to N amount of energy. I am not to argue with you about the “Big Bang”, but we need to have a platform of common sense that they are “X Factor” which starts the beginning of every thing. So we do believe/assume there are a “Big Bang” and the energy of it.

Now the crucial question is what happened before “Big Bang”? “There is another ‘Big Bang’!” Some people may argue! Well, a “Big Bang” before a “Big Bang” and before this there is a “Big Bang”! Nice answer, but an idiot will nod his head. I am going to ask further. . .

The N amount of energy creates the “Big Bang” or the “Big Bang” creates the N amount of energy? What material that allows the energy is able to move around? The Vacuum, bingo you are right but not totally, the vacuum is a space that allow the energy to move around, vacuum is empty but itself is a material or simple a platform.

Then, how come a vacuum exist with “space” inside? Let me tell you, the vacuum exist because the “time” is moving, we have no idea whether time move in one direction, two directions or multiple directions. But when the time is moving, it creates “space” even there is nothing inside or vacuum, and the vacuum allows the energy to move in the space.

Time is the spark of the universal existence. Who move the time? We assume the “X Factor” move time. The “X Factor” move the first second, when the time is moving, it creates the universal as we know today.

What is the “X factor”? I want to confess, the Almighty God is the “X Factor”. God simply move the time and create the whole universal. We can find the true from the bible. When Adam asks God “Who are You?”, “I am Who I am.” God Answered. What an accurate answer from the wisdom of God. God is eternity. He can stop or move the time. He is a creator who even creates time for us.

Thanks be to God! Now I get the wisdom.